
The Cuisine of Yeysk Cossacks

«Kuban begins in Yeysk» – the local inhabitants of Krasnodar have good reason to use this popular local saying. This is the region’s most northerly town. Here, the traditions of the Don and the Kuban Cossacks have combined, and, naturally, that can be seen in the unique cooking here. Host Stanislav Salnikov, together with the head chef from a Yeysk restaurant will be making Cossack dishes according to 18th and 19th century recipes.   Recipe «Porridge-stuffed haarder fish»   Recipe «Fantasy salad» Recipe «Apple dumpling» Recipe «Uzvar» Porridge-stuffed haarder fish recipe serves 5-6 persons; preparation time ~ 25 minutes; cooking time ~ 30-40 minutes Ingredients: 1 haarder fish (whole), 100 g. buckwheat, 50 g. butter, 1 small white onion, 1 large carrot, 2-3 tbsp. sour cream, salt, white pepper, 1 tbsp. vegetable oil. Directions: Scale and gut the fish. Boil the buckwheat. After chopping and frying the onion and carrot in a pan with oil, add to the buckwheat porridge. Then add the butter and caviar, which should be cut into large pieces, from the haarder fish to the mixture. After the porridge is made, use it to stuff the fish. In order to get a toasted crust on the fish, rub sour cream on the back of it. Bake in the oven for 30-40 minutes at 180 degrees Celsius. Fantasy salad recipe serves 2 persons; preparation time ~ 25 minutes; cooking time ~ 15 minutes Ingredients: 50 g. fresh mushrooms, 30 g. white onion, 50 g. chicken filet, salt, pepper, 1 tomato, fresh green herbs, 1 tsp. mayonnaise, 30 g. any hard cheese. Directions: Chop and lightly fry the onion and mushrooms. Add the boiled chicken breast and salt and pepper. Cut the tomato into large cubes and add to the mushroom and chicken mixture. Then add the greens and mayonnaise. Sprinkle the grated cheese on top. Apple dumpling recipe serves 2 persons; preparation time ~ 25 minutes; cooking time ~ 30-40 minutes Ingredients: 2 Macintosh apples, 4 walnuts, 1 sheet of ready-made puff pastry, 2 tsp. honey. Directions: Carefully core the apples and place the walnuts inside the hole that is left in the centre of the apples. Wrap the apples individually in the puff pastry and place in the cooker. Bake them at 180 degrees Celsius for about 20 minutes. Dessert is ready when the dough turns golden brown. Before serving drizzle honey over the apple dumplings. Uzvar recipe serves 5 persons; preparation time ~ 15 minutes; cooking time ~ 8-9 hours Ingredients: 1 l. water, 200 g. dried fruit (for example: apple, apricot, cherries, pear), 1 handful each of prunes and rose hip, citric acid, sugar or honey. Directions: Put the dried fruits, prunes and rosehip in water on low heat. Add the citric acid and sugar (or honey). Bring the mixture to a boil and immediately turn off the burner. Put on the lid and let stand for at least 8 hours.

Presenter Stanislav Sal'nikov

Year 2011

Duration 00:22:41

Presenter Stanislav Sal'nikov

«Kuban begins in Yeysk» – the local inhabitants of Krasnodar have good reason to use this popular local saying. This is the region’s most northerly town. Here, the traditions of the Don and the Kuban Cossacks have combined, and, naturally, that can be seen in the unique cooking here. Host Stanislav Salnikov, together with the head chef from a Yeysk restaurant will be making Cossack dishes according to 18th and 19th century recipes.   Recipe «Porridge-stuffed haarder fish»   Recipe «Fantasy salad» Recipe «Apple dumpling» Recipe «Uzvar» Porridge-stuffed haarder fish recipe serves 5-6 persons; preparation time ~ 25 minutes; cooking time ~ 30-40 minutes Ingredients: 1 haarder fish (whole), 100 g. buckwheat, 50 g. butter, 1 small white onion, 1 large carrot, 2-3 tbsp. sour cream, salt, white pepper, 1 tbsp. vegetable oil. Directions: Scale and gut the fish. Boil the buckwheat. After chopping and frying the onion and carrot in a pan with oil, add to the buckwheat porridge. Then add the butter and caviar, which should be cut into large pieces, from the haarder fish to the mixture. After the porridge is made, use it to stuff the fish. In order to get a toasted crust on the fish, rub sour cream on the back of it. Bake in the oven for 30-40 minutes at 180 degrees Celsius. Fantasy salad recipe serves 2 persons; preparation time ~ 25 minutes; cooking time ~ 15 minutes Ingredients: 50 g. fresh mushrooms, 30 g. white onion, 50 g. chicken filet, salt, pepper, 1 tomato, fresh green herbs, 1 tsp. mayonnaise, 30 g. any hard cheese. Directions: Chop and lightly fry the onion and mushrooms. Add the boiled chicken breast and salt and pepper. Cut the tomato into large cubes and add to the mushroom and chicken mixture. Then add the greens and mayonnaise. Sprinkle the grated cheese on top. Apple dumpling recipe serves 2 persons; preparation time ~ 25 minutes; cooking time ~ 30-40 minutes Ingredients: 2 Macintosh apples, 4 walnuts, 1 sheet of ready-made puff pastry, 2 tsp. honey. Directions: Carefully core the apples and place the walnuts inside the hole that is left in the centre of the apples. Wrap the apples individually in the puff pastry and place in the cooker. Bake them at 180 degrees Celsius for about 20 minutes. Dessert is ready when the dough turns golden brown. Before serving drizzle honey over the apple dumplings. Uzvar recipe serves 5 persons; preparation time ~ 15 minutes; cooking time ~ 8-9 hours Ingredients: 1 l. water, 200 g. dried fruit (for example: apple, apricot, cherries, pear), 1 handful each of prunes and rose hip, citric acid, sugar or honey. Directions: Put the dried fruits, prunes and rosehip in water on low heat. Add the citric acid and sugar (or honey). Bring the mixture to a boil and immediately turn off the burner. Put on the lid and let stand for at least 8 hours.

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