Science and the Enterprises

Traditions in the Distilling of Cognac

People and cognac are old friends that have been studying each other for many years. But in order to create a new cognac recipe or repeat an old one, one must know the batch and barrel details of the original; these factors give each batch its unique flavour. That is why even a novice that knows all of the ins and outs of cognac-making still wouldn’t be capable of producing good cognac. One of the oldest cognac-making enterprises in the world is located in the Dagestani city of Kizlyar. In 1885, professional wine-maker David Saradzhev combined several distilleries. He adopted classic French technology used in cognac production, but also added in his own ideas. Watch RTG’s new programme and learn the secrets to making the most elite of all hard liquors.

Year 2012

Duration 00:13:44

People and cognac are old friends that have been studying each other for many years. But in order to create a new cognac recipe or repeat an old one, one must know the batch and barrel details of the original; these factors give each batch its unique flavour. That is why even a novice that knows all of the ins and outs of cognac-making still wouldn’t be capable of producing good cognac. One of the oldest cognac-making enterprises in the world is located in the Dagestani city of Kizlyar. In 1885, professional wine-maker David Saradzhev combined several distilleries. He adopted classic French technology used in cognac production, but also added in his own ideas. Watch RTG’s new programme and learn the secrets to making the most elite of all hard liquors.

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