Science and the Enterprises

Agriculture in Bashkortostan

Alexeyevsky state farm, the largest agricultural enterprise in the Bashkortostan Republic, is one of the 300 biggest and most productive farming enterprises and a leader in Russia's economy. Here each ruble invested in production results in a significant profit. Every meter of soil is used and carefully worked, ensuring a high payoff and positive result. RTG TV host Stanislav Salnikov didn't only visit this industrious town, but familiarized himself with the latest agricultural developments used to ensure a good crop, found out how the farming complex works and how cheese is made.

Presenter Stanislav Sal'nikov

Year 2011

Duration 00:26:25

Presenter Stanislav Sal'nikov

Alexeyevsky state farm, the largest agricultural enterprise in the Bashkortostan Republic, is one of the 300 biggest and most productive farming enterprises and a leader in Russia's economy. Here each ruble invested in production results in a significant profit. Every meter of soil is used and carefully worked, ensuring a high payoff and positive result. RTG TV host Stanislav Salnikov didn't only visit this industrious town, but familiarized himself with the latest agricultural developments used to ensure a good crop, found out how the farming complex works and how cheese is made.

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